Welcome, welcome, welcome! Welcome to Chronickles Blog, the #1 Blog for Marvel, DC Universe, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Dragon Ball! I recently read about ten issues of 2018 The Amazing Spider-Man series on Marvel Unlimited, and so far, it has been fantastic! Today I want to start by breaking down and reviewing The Amazing Spider-Man #1 for you! Before we get started, please do me a massive favor by sharing the Chronickles Blog website with friends, family, dogs, cats, or anyone else you think would love our positive and nerdy community! Also, do you see that pop-up on the bottom of the screen? That’s our newsletter! If you would like to become a member of our community, hit that join button! No spam to worry about; one weekly update and special offers like giveaways are all you have to look forward to! Thank you so much!

Now, let’s get right into it!
Rude Awakening
Peter Parker wakes up abruptly, early at 5:00 AM, to the sound of his roommate, Fred Myers, playing video games. Peter hates roommates. But, they aren’t all bad! Randy Robertson, the son of his boss Robbie Robertson of the Daily Bugle, tries to lighten the situation by pouring Peter a bowl of cereal. Only to find out there’s nothing but crumbs! Thanks, Fred!
In addition to being a messy, loud, and terrible roommate, Fred Myers is also a super villain! That’s he is a super villain known as Boomerang!

Spider-Man let Boomerang go when he was dealing with a much more significant threat, The Kingpin. Then Fred Myers shows up to sublet the apartment. Peter thought this might be a great way to keep an eye on Boomerang, plus he could use a little help with the rent!
Randy reminds Peter that he had to be up anyways for an early morning press conference at Empire State University! Peter didn’t realize it was Tuesday but cut him some slack. He has a lot on his mind!
Fun Fact: Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Victor Von Doom earned their education at Empire State University! Click here for more on the Fantastic Four and their future in the MCU!

As you can see, The world is enduring yet another of its many Alien Invasions! Spider-Man, along with many of your beloved Marvel Heroes doing their part to defend earth!
Spider-Man was awarded the key to the city by the crime-boss now mayor of New York City, Wilson Fisk or Kingpin! Spider-Man refuses.
Back at work, Peter has earned his way up the ladder and has become the Science Editor for the daily bugle! The job comes with an excellent salary, benefits, a massage chair, and best of all, respect from his peers! But all good things come to an end when Peter Parker is chosen to be the example of a new cutting edge technology that determines whether or not a paper is plagiarized.

This doesn’t look good but allow me to explain! Doctor Otto Octavius took over Spider-Mans body for a while and became the Superior Spider-Man. During this time, the doctor noticed Peter never completed his graduate studies, so he took it upon himself to do it! So that paper “Peter” wrote technically was Otto Octavius. Peter tries to explain to everyone that it is all a big misunderstanding, but no one believes him, of course!

To make matters worse, this incident forces Robbie Robertson to fire Peter from the Daily Bugle. Peter loses his job, the respect from his peers, the massage chair, and he gains something the hurts the most, the disappointment from his Aunt May.
Peter vents all of the things going on in his life to his best friend and ex-girlfriend Mary Jane. The one person who understands and knows him best. Throughout this thought process of Peter Parker, he is battling an alien invasion! Or is he?
Spider-Man sling-shots himself up to the portal where these Aliens are coming from and slams right through a glass window! Revealing not an Alien Invasion but his longtime enemy, Mysterio!

And just like that, Spidey webs up his old foe and saves the world from another one of Mysterio’s illusions. After a whole day of disappointment in his personal and professional life, he finally knows what he has to do and what he wants to do.

There’s a New Super-Villain in Town!
On trial, Mysterio tells the judge he will represent himself in court. But, Beetle enters the courtroom as his attorney. Janice Lincoln begins to speak but is stopped by what seems to be a cough?

This isn’t one of Mysterio’s tricks, but he does know who is behind it! And he knows things are about to turn very badly for everyone! The simple cough turns into her throwing up a bunch of slimy insects! Then the judge is bombarded with slimy rats and insects spewing from inside his clothes, then the whole courtroom.

Scared for his life, Mysterio makes a run for it but is too late. The mysterious new villain is here…

The new villain knows who Spider-Man is and claims to know Pete better than he knows himself! This mysterious new villain has Mysterio begging and pleading for another chance! Which he is granted. He better not screw it up!
Before the insects and rats get ahold of Mysterio, everything snaps back to reality! The courtroom is acceptable, and so is everyone in it! The new villain seems to be able to get inside people’s heads! Getting in his head paid off because now Mysterio is seen as losing his mind! Giving him the chance to change his plea.
A Second Chance
Peters degree has been revoked due to being caught for a plagiarized paper. But due to an esteemed member of the faculty of Empire State University’s passionate defense of Peter, they have given Peter a second chance! The respected faculty member is someone that we all know and was very hard to say no to…

That’s A Wrap!
Let me tell you, when I read this comic and got to this part, my jaw dropped! I was not expecting The Lizard to be just casually teaching a class! Isn’t he a supervillain? Evil? We’ll find out more in the next issue! If you have enjoyed this Marvel comic breakdown, leave a comment and share! It means the multiverse to me! Also, to help this blog grow, please do me a huge favor by following us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest @chronicklesblog and join our Reddit community @r/chronicklesblog
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Thank you so much for your time, come back Wednesday for more!