Welcome back to Chronickles Blog! This is the number one blog for Marvel, DC Universe, Harry Potter, Dragon Ball, and Star Wars! If you are new, click here to see what we are all about here at Chronickles Blog! If you are a returning member of this community, welcome back!
About a year ago, I went to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, like a vacation! Of course, the best part was the spectacular Wizarding World of Harry Potter! The moment you step into that part of the park, it instantly feels magical and as if you are transported to another world! I picked out and purchased my favorite wand, and ever since then, I have wanted to go back and buy more!
Harry Potter has many amazing and unique wands! So today, I wanted to pick out my Top 5 favorite wands in the wizarding world! If you have a favorite wand, list it in the comments! Also, if you would like to know the Top 5 Must-Know Harry Potter Spells, click here!
Now, let’s get into the blog!
One quick little side note, please be aware that there are SPOILERS in this article! So if you have not seen either the movies or books, please do so before continuing! If you haven’t seen them, whyyyy!? They are some of the most outstanding books/movies EVER! Get on it!
The Elder Wand
This is The Elder Wand…

The Elder Wand is the most powerful wand ever to exist! The Elder wand was created, according to legend, by death himself after one of the three brothers in the story of The Deathly Hollows asked for the most powerful wand.
The Elder Wand ended up in the wand shop of Gregorovich, which Gellert Grindelwald stole. Grindelwald used the wand to wreak havoc upon the wizarding world and for his plans to take over the muggle world! Dumbledore defeated him in combat, making the wand his. Then, when Draco Malfoy use the charm, Expelliarmus, disarming Dumbledore in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, it belonged to Draco. And finally, when Harry disarmed Draco in Deathly Hallows Part 1, Harry became the final owner of the most powerful wand! Up until the moment he destroyed it so no one would be tempted ever again by its power!
If you would like to get your very own Elder Wand just like Dumbledore, click the link below! The link will bring you to Amazon to purchase the wand! Which will also support the blog!
This wand is my all-time favorite because it looked the most amazing! I love the design! It also was the wand I decided to purchase at Universal Studios!
I am looking forward to going back soon! When I do, you will be informed, and I will do a haul post explaining and showing pictures of what I got exactly!
Lucious Malfoy

This is the wand I was obsessed with and wanted since I was a little kid! It was the coolest one from the very beginning. They never really showed what the wands looked like in the beginning. But, this one was always shown! I remember when flying on an airplane, there was a magazine showcasing a bunch of different stuff to buy off of it. The Lucious Malfoy wand was on there, and I wanted it! To this day, I have yet to buy one for myself BUT… I promise next time I go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter; I will buy it! It’s a cane and wand in one! With a snake as the handle, it’s simply incredible! It broke my heart when Voldemort asked one of the death eaters sitting at the table in Deathly Hallows Part 1. He calls out Lucious Malfoy, and Voldemort takes his wand and breaks it! What a di**!
Get your own Lucius Malfoy wand by clicking the Amazon link below! (without the cane)
Speaking of Voldemort, he also has a very unique and bad*** looking wand! His wand looks like an old human bone, shaped to fit the hand perfectly! I’ve held it in my hand before at Universal Studios! Let me tell you, it is fantastic!

Voldemort’s and Harry Potter‘s wands our practically “sisters.” They are twins, according to Garrick Ollivander. They are equals which is one of the reasons Voldemort could fatally kill Harry. The two of them can injure one another but NEVER fatally kill. That’s the reason why Voldemort was seeking out The Elder Wand in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1.
Become the owner of the most powerful dark wizard’s wand by purchasing it using the Amazon link below!
I just realized it’s so apparent that Voldemort was evil from the beginning based on his evil-looking wand! Seriously, people, you had no idea!
Bellatrix Lestrange
The very evil and psychotic cousin of Sirius Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, had a pretty cool wand! When I first saw her wand in the film, it reminded me of Count Dooku’s unique curved lightsaber hilt.
Anyways, I always loved her wand! A cool trick she did was using her wand as a sort of whip! She used it to wrap around her enemy’s necks and toss them around!
Here it is!

Leave a comment if you loved or hated Bellatrix in the movies or books! She immediately got on my F YOU side when she killed Sirius! Also if you would like your own Bellatrix wand, click the Amazon link below!
Severest Snape
Now, I’m a simple man, and Snape’s wand is as simple as it gets! Which is why I love it so much! It’s completely black, and at the handle, there’s an excellent unique design! I honestly almost bought this one at Universal Studios Orlando!

Nice right? Next time I go to The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter, this might be the wand I purchase along with Lucius Malfoy’s. We shall see!
Want to become the owner of this wand? Click the Amazon link below!
That’s All Folks!
Please do me a huge favor and leave a comment which wand in the Harry Potter universe is your favorite! Also, if you enjoyed this magical blog post, please share! Help this blog grow!
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Thank you so much for tuning into today’s Harry Potter post! Be sure to come back tomorrow for more Harry Potter, Marvel, DC Universe, Star Wars, and Dragon Ball!
See you next time!
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