Star Wars Top 5 Most Bad*** Lightsabers

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Now, today our topic is Star Wars! To be more specific, the Top 5 Most Bad*** Lightsabers and The Warriors who wielded them!

Let’s get right into it!

Darth Sidious

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Palpatine has one of the coolest lightsabers, in my opinion! The design is elegant and has a very high-class feeling to it. What makes this lightsaber unique is it is nearly indestructible, even from other lightsabers. Also, his lightsaber was finished with electrum which was metal only giving to the highest ranked masters in the Jedi order. Sidious used this as a mockery against the Jedi.

Darth Sidious Lightsaber

Grand Inquisitor

The Grand Inquisitor, first appearing on screen in Star Wars: Rebels has a very cool and unique lightsaber! It is a double-bladed lightsaber with the crazy ability to spin! When I first saw Grand Inquisitor show off his blade, I was shocked and amazed by it! By rotating, it gives the wielder the ability to fly like a helicopter!

Vernestra Rwoh

Vernestra was a Jedi Knight during the high republic era. One night, Vernestra had a dream about a modification for her lightsaber. When she awoke, she began and finished her new lightsaber modification known as the Lightwhip! Her lightsaber had the ability to switch from the standard lightsaber to her new modified Lightwhip!

The Lightwhip was mainly used by the night sisters but was known to be used by some Jedi.

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Jocasta Nu

You might recognize Jocasta from the Clone Wars cartoon or her appearances in the second Star Wars trilogy. She was a Jedi Master serving as chief librarian. When Darth Vader began hunting down and killing the remaining Jedi, In the last effort to defeat Vader, she built a rifle. She used her lightsaber as fuel which gave the gun the ability to fire very powerful blasts! But, the rifle melted the lightsaber to the point it couldn’t be used anymore very fast.

Darth Vader managed to survive and kill the Jocasta, but the rifle still was an awe-inspiring invention!

Tera Sinube

Tera Sinube was a Jedi Master and in charge of a Jedi temple on planet Derra. Master Sinube was 218 years old at the time of his passing. So, his very unique lightsaber was his very own cane! Another known user of the cane Lightsaber was Maul during the reign of the Galactic Empire! Mail used it in his last battle and moment of his life in his fight against an old Obi-Wan Kenobi.

That’s All Folks!

What was your favorite lightsaber on this list? Leave a comment and let me know! Also, if I left any of your favorite lightsabers off this list, let me know in the comments!

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